Audio ID : 2 Format : E-AC-3 Format/Info : Audio Coding 3 Format settings, Endianness : Big Codec ID : A_EAC3 Duration : 1h 36mn Bit rate mode : Constant Bit rate : 640 Kbps Channel(s) : 6 channels Channel positions : Front: L C R, Side: L R, LFE Sampling rate : 48.0 KHz Frame rate : 187.500 fps (256 spf) Compression mode : Lossy Stream size : 442 MiB (5%) Title : English Language : English Default : Yes Forced : No
Text ID : 3 Format : UTF-8 Codec ID : S_TEXT/UTF8 Codec ID/Info : UTF-8 Plain Text Duration : 1h 36mn Bit rate : 91 bps Count of elements : 1523 Stream size : 64.8 KiB (0%) Title : English Language : English Default : No Forced : No
Menu 00:00:00.110 : en:Studio Logos 00:00:11.250 : eneople greet each other on Christmas Eve; Streets 00:04:10.385 : en:Lloyd and Caroline attend a marriage counseling session; Counselor\’s office 00:06:25.456 : en:Gus tries get access into a safe; House 00:07:36.565 : en:Lloyd and Caroline engage in a heated argument; Counselor\’s office 00:09:25.699 : en:Gus accidentally sets off the alarm; House 00:11:39.852 : en:Caroline and Lloyd run into trouble; Store 00:14:12.104 : en:Bob complains to Lt. Huff while Loyd and Caroline continue to argue 00:17:20.112 : en:Lt. Huff is ordered to drop the robbery case; Willard house 00:18:41.121 : en:Jesse blackmails Siskel 00:20:05.136 : en:Gus grows annoyed while Gary\’s family has dinner 00:22:39.142 : en:Gus grows annoyed while Gary\’s family has dinner; Restaurant 00:23:38.163 : en:Gus tells Murray to steal a boat; Chasseur house and bar 00:27:08.185 : en:Gus gets irritated by the couple\’s arguing; Chasseur house 00:30:51.203 : en:George arrives to give deliver his Christmas present; Chasseur house 00:33:48.223 : en:Jesse avoids his parents while they ease off the friction; Chausseur house 00:37:14.227 : en:Connie and family get delayed at a security check point; Street 00:37:52.255 : en:Jesse arrives home; Chasseur house 00:42:26.268 : en:Lt. Huff shows the video tape of Gus to the officers; Police station 00:44:39.273 : en:Murray scouts for a boat; Dock 00:45:34.281 : en:Gus is irritated with the arguing; Chasseur house 00:46:52.302 : en:Lt. Huff reviews the tape and Jesse tries to rescue his parents 00:50:22.306 : en:Siskel gets a call from his wife; Siskel\’s office 00:50:57.322 : en:Jesse wants to know the plan; Chasseur house 00:53:42.328 : en:Bob gives Lt. Huff a message; Huff\’s Office 00:54:43.336 : en:Lloyd greets the police; Chasseur house 00:56:00.348 : en:Murray calls Gus; Chasseur house 00:57:58.370 : en:Connie\’s family arrives and Murray calls about a boat 01:01:43.375 : en:State troopers search a nearby house 01:02:26.406 : en:The family asks ^aEURoeDr. Wong^aEUR 01:07:40.424 : en:Gus takes of control the situation; Chasseur house 01:10:43.440 : en:Lloyd reveals his divorce; Chasseur living room 01:13:16.467 : en:Caroline and Lloyd confront each other; Chasseur living room 01:17:47.483 : en:The family blows up and Lloyd takes control; Chasseur living room 01:20:25.499 : en:Siskel stops by to see Jesse; Chasseur\’s house 01:23:12.515 : en:Jesse is discovered with his hidden money; Chasseur house 01:25:51.521 : en:A drunk George enters the Chasseur house; Chasseur house 01:26:53.544 : en:The police arrive looking for Gus 01:30:39.554 : en:Lloyd and Caroline resolve their issues and Gus escapes with Murray 01:32:17.580 : en:End Credits